Chapter 44

"No, please! H-Have mercy! I-I— urghk!"

A silver blade cuts down the neck of the rebel before he can grovel on the floor to beg for mercy. His fresh blood was still spraying on the soil soaked with the blood of his comrades, but no one took another glance on the dying rebel. Another swift swipe from a silver blade hits their enemies and their shrilling cries enter their ears. In just a few minutes, spilled blood decorated the battlefield as their corpses were piled everywhere. The young general who wears a silver armor stained with dirt and blood is standing in the middle of the battlefield.

The young general of the Red Tiger Knights, General Viel Cres Val, is now on a killing rampage.

Tonight is the night where the knights ambushed the enemy camp. It was a sudden decision from the two generals. Yesterday, General Viel suggested raiding the rebel's campsite saying that it was better for them to make the first move. It was an unexpected decision from their general. They all knew that General Viel does not want to rush things and enjoy playing with their enemies by slowly destroying their battle strategies until they have no choice but to either surrender or let themselves be killed on their general's hands. But the most unexpected thing that happened was General Lewis actually agreed with General Viel's idea.

They make a quick plan yesterday on how they will finish and capture their enemies. The Red Tiger Knights will ambush the base camp while the Black Pythons Knights are responsible for securing all the escape routes of the rebels. General Viel said that he wants to kill the leader of their enemies himself. When General Lewis asked the reason why, Viel answered him in a bored voice.

"It's been a while since I personally hunt down a huge rat. Also, putting his disgusting head on a decorated box is a good gift to ease His Majesty's worried heart."

There are rumors that are spreading in their society that General Viel Cres Val is a strict leader and a cruel killer on the battlefield. For others, these are just another interesting rumor on their usual gatherings and parties. But for the knights who were under his supervision and always joined their General on the battlefield, these rumors are basically a fact for them.

Ever since he was still a newly recruited knight, Viel had already shown extraordinary talent in swordsmanship. On the first war he participated, Viel mercilessly cut the head of the Vice-General of their enemies and put their base camp on fire together with the remaining wounded enemies inside. Because of it, Viel was promoted as the Third Commander of the Red Tiger knights. And after a few years, he was finally promoted as one of the strongest generals in their kingdom.

For the new generation of knights, Viel is a hero and at the same time, a monster on a battlefield. They all have mixed feelings for their general. They respect him for being a good and talented leader. But they are also scared of him because of his ruthless and sadistic ways of how he deals with his enemies.

Viel waves the silver sword he was holding downwards to shake off the stream of blood on its surface. Viel was really reluctant to use this sword for this battle tonight. It is one of his most treasured swords that Viel received as a birthday gift from his father. But the quality and sharpness of it were really appropriate for slicing the necks of these rats who dared to make a problem for him. These rebels should be more grateful that they were killed personally by him without feeling too much pain.

Using the back of his free hand, Viel wipes the blood that accidentally spilled on his face. Despite being a knight who is always participating in a war, Viel really hates the mixed foul smell of blood, dirt, and smoke on the battlefield. He even hates it when these things dirtied his armor and clothes.

"We already secured the escape route in the north and east road. Even if they secretly pass there, my knights are already scattered and ready to capture them."

When Viel turns his head, he saw one of his hated person in this whole kingdom.

Under that black armor he was wearing was a thin body but the sinewy muscle on his limbs that make him look strong nevertheless. His skin was sun-kissed from long days out on the open field under the heated sun. There was no smile on his lips, no twinkle in his right eye and all the while he kept one hand on the hilt of his sword. He spoke with a deep voice and wore an eyepatch over his left eye.

"Yeah? So why are you here, old man? If you do not want to retire early from your position, you better go back to the northern road." Viel said as he tore a small piece of cloth from the cape he was wearing and use it to wipe the remaining bloodstain on his sword. "I asked you to take a rest while I am exterminating these pests in this area one by one, right?"

"I am not taking an order from a cocky kid like you." General Lewis scoffed as he narrows his eye in contempt.

Instead of getting mad, Viel let out a loud laugh. The knights who heard and saw their general laughing like this flinch and give their best to put more distance away from the two generals who are facing each other. There is no good outcome every time these two generals crossed paths.

"Tch, tch, tch. General Lewis, how can you be so stubborn as a bull? It must be because of your old age."

In truth, General Lewis is not that old. He was still in his early thirties. Viel is calling him an old man because of his natural gray hair which is similar to the hair color of an elder.

"And should I blame your cockiness and proud attitude with your age as well?"

"Are you that—"


A mass wave of arrows, shooting into the air like a downpour of rain are swarming on the battlefield. The knights quickly cover themselves using the shields strapped on their arms. The shields that they are using are made from the highest quality of steel which makes it more durable and impossible to break. As for Viel, he does not need a shield to protect himself as he waves the sword on his hand to cut the arrows that will hit him.

When the rebels stopped firing their arrows, Viel quickly orders his men to find the remaining enemies who shot the arrows hiding in the forest. General Lewis looks down to see the arrows Viel had chopped in halves. He picks up one arrow and observes the greenish sticky substance coating the tip of it.


General Lewis is about to inform Viel about his discovery when he heard one of his knights shouting a warning towards him. General Lewis has no time to understand what his knight was trying to say because he heard a sharp object cutting through the wind aiming to his chest. Before he can even dodge it, someone sliced the speeding arrow towards him in half.

"General Lewis, seems like it is now really the time for you to retire from your position." Viel said as he shows him a provocative smile.

Before he can answer back, Viel turns his back on him and follow the knights inside the forest. General Lewis did not waste any more time and instruct his men to bring the injured knights back to their base camp if there is any and send an order to kill the remaining rebels they will see.

When the sun blooms on the horizon, General Viel together with his knights returned back from the forest. Viel was leisurely walking in front of his knights as if he only entered the forest to take a stroll. Behind him, General Lewis saw a knight lifting a huge sack and there is a huge red stain on it. He does not need to ask what is the content of that sack.

The knights cheer loudly for their new victory. Everyone in their base camp is having a huge smile on their faces. Only the two generals seem indifferent from this scene. For them, this kind of battle is not worthy to be celebrated. But they also do not want to be a wet blanket for their happy knights so they just let them celebrate for this small victory.

"...Thank you for saving me earlier." General Lewis thanked the young general beside him.

"What?" Viel asked. It takes him a few seconds to realize what this old man was saying. "Ah, that. It was nothing. I am not actually doing it for you."

"What do you mean?"

"I did that for my little brother."

"You have a little brother?" puzzled General Lewis as he stares at Viel with a narrowed eye.

"Eh? Are you really that old to forget that I have a little brother?" Viel mused as he enjoys the look on this old man's face.


"General Lewis Bishop, do you want to meet my brother? Unexpectedly, he mentioned that he was admiring you. Though I am thinking what did he saw for him to admire you."

Viel is about to join the knights when he stopped and looks at General Lewis once again.

"Prepare your troops, old man. We should return before my brother's birthday. I will introduce you to him."

When the sunray hits his face, Viel blocks it with his right hand. The sun has finally shown its beautiful glory once again. Another day has come. There are still things they have to finish in the Eastern region before they can return. But that's okay. Viel can simply ditch the troublesome paperwork to that old general as compensation for saving his life. What's more important is he can return to the Central Capital again.

'Heh. I bet Gian will be surprised when he sees me again.'