Chapter 46

After two and a half hours of writing, Gian can finally take a rest. He stares at the stack of papers placed on his table. There was a total of sixty-five papers on it and Russel was claiming that he only made a short story based on the information Gian gave to him earlier.

'Shory story? It is more like a complete novel than a short story!'

"Ah! I'm tired." Russel complained. "It was been a while since I created a story though."

"Stop joking. How come you get tired when I was the one who wrote all these words for two and a half hours."

"Bro, did you know that using your brain is more tiring than using your physical strength?"

"Stop it. I do not want to argue with you. I am tired."

"Me too."

After letting out a sigh, Gian rests his back on the chair and feel the cool wind coming from the window. The weather is good today. Gian can also hear the soft chirping sounds of sparrows in the trees. If he does not have any work to do today, Gian wanted to take a nap.

"Dude, are you sleepy?" Russel asked when he noticed that Gian's relaxed body leaning on the chair. His head was tilted slightly.

"A little." Gian admitted.

"By the way, bro. I just noticed something."

"What is it?"

"I just noticed that you are not drinking any medicines these past few months. Is that okay?"

Russel had noticed it for a while now. Before, a maid will knock on his door to bring Gian his medicine. When Russel asked him about it, Gian said those are his maintenance pills so he would not easily get sick. Russel understands that the immune system of these people who lived in this era and environment was naturally weak so it was easy for them to get sick or catch any diseases.

But this ancient guy is a rare case for Russel. He is too weak for a sixteen-year-old lad. If Gian will walk for one hour straight, he will surely get sick when the night comes. Russel can still remember the dreadful appearance of Gian when he got very sick after they visited the party at the Royal Palace before.

Russel thought Gian was going to die at that time. Gian's hard breath was too labored. Even his high temperature was too abnormal. It was a good thing that he got better in just a few days.

So Russel got a little bit worried about Gian. Maybe it has been two months since Russel last saw those white pills in Gian's room. Even Butler Del or his family were not reminding him to drink his medicine on time.

"Ah, that." Gian answered in a low voice. "They told me that the doctor said I am fine now so there is no need for me to drink those medicine."

"Huh? That fast?"

"Why? Do you think I am still sick?"

"No. That is not what I mean. I mean you look fine now. But maybe you are not yet fully recovered?" Russel vacillated.

"I cannot understand you, Russel. Speak clearly."

"Well... Does it mean that you will not get sick later again?"

"Who knows? Maybe I am adapting well in my surroundings that is why they told me not to drink those medicines again."

On the other hand, Gian was not giving it too much thought. He already experienced living his life without worrying if he will get sick tomorrow or not. Gian adapted well in his new life as a commoner and moving too much was not a burden for him anymore. Gian was thinking that maybe that was also the case this time.

Maybe because he was really tired or because of the quietness in his office, Gian feels really sleepy. Looking at the time on his pocket watch, he planned to read the rest of the documents on his table and write a reply letter for Shannen later after he wakes up. Since there were no urgent matters that he needs to do, Gian decided to get a nap in the end.

Gian called Aaron first in his room and handed him a thick black envelope. Inside the envelope is the novel that Gian wrote earlier. He asked Aaron to deliver this letter to Baron Lemintal in secret. If possible, Aaron can give this envelope to Baron Lemintal himself.

"Young master, this..."

"As long as this envelope reaches Baron Lemintal, then everything is good. There is no need for you to do anything extreme." Gian said. "This is a secret, Aaron. No one should know that I am the one who is sending this envelope to Baron Lemintal. I trust you."

Aaron quickly understood the meaning of his young master's words. Aaron firmly nods his head and holds the thick envelope as if he was afraid it would disappear on his hand. Seeing Aaron like this makes Gian smile in satisfaction.

"You may go now, Aaron. Tell Butler Del not to disturb me if there are no urgent things for me to do."

After Aaron left his office, Gian piled the documents on his table neatly first before stepping out of his office to go to his bedroom. Sitting on his bed, Gian fished out the pen in his pocket and placed it on a customized box with soft silk cloth inside. This is where Gian puts Russel every night.

"I am going to take a nap first. Stop being noisy for now."

After putting the pen on the box, Gian unbuttoned his cuffs and removed his suit. He was feeling really sleepy now. He lay his body flat on his soft mattress. After a few minutes, Gian finally fell asleep.

"Tch. Even if I wanted to talk all day, you cannot hear me since you put me away from you!"

That was the reason why Gian made a custom-made box for Russel. Gian said that he does not want anyone to disturb his resting time. Since Gian cannot hear the pen's thoughts as long as he was not touching it, then he can surely have a good rest.

Since Russel cannot do anything but to wait for Gian to wake up, all he can do was to let out a sigh. Since he was reincarnated as a pen, Russel does not need to eat and sleep in order to live. He feels like an immortal who does not need to worry about what to eat next time or how to earn a lot of money. Russel already accepted the fact that he will be living as a pen forever and that was totally fine for him. But sometimes everything was so boring to Russel.

"Are you sulking, my dear guardian?"

A beautiful woman wearing a long silk robe is standing in front of Russel. She tilts her head as her amethyst eyes are looking at him. There is also a gentle smile on her small lips. She lifts her finger and glides it on the pen's smooth surface.

"Tell me. Who bullied my favorite guardian?" Femora playfully asked.


Russel did not expect that he will see Femora today. He thought that Femora will never show up in front of him again. Russel has mixed feelings now that Femora is here. Russel was glad now that he can talk with someone aside from Gian. On the other hand, he was a little afraid because he knew that Femora is always listening to his conversation with Gian.

"What brings you here, my goddess?" Russel asked. His tone was polite.

"I just want to see my favorite guardian who sacrificed himself in order to save his precious friend. Are there any problems with that?"


Of course, Femora was aware of those made-up stories he told to Gian. Femora gently sit on the side of Gian's bed. She lightly runs her fingers through his hair. It seems like Gian cannot feel her presence and continue sleeping.

"This child... He is surely doing his best not to repeat the same mistakes he did in the past." Femora said. "And it was all thanks to you, Russel Ferrer."

"Nah. All I did was to give him some useful advice and ideas. It was Gian who did all the work. Lately, he was working so hard to manage his properties and arrange the details for his upcoming engagement party." Russel said. His tone was not formal anymore. He was now casually talking with the goddess.

Femora hum in agreement.

"But thanks to your presence, this child is now walking towards his true destined fate."

"Huh? What do you mean—"

"Because of that, I am now giving you a gift."

"Ah? What gift?"

Femora raise her hand and there was a blinding light coming from her hands. Russel suddenly feels like he was wrapped in a warm cocoon. After a few seconds, that warm sensation slowly disappears. Russel saw Femora staring at him with a smile.

"I hope you will like my gift, Russel Ferrer."

"Huh? What gift are you exactly talking about?!"

"You will know when the right time comes." Femora stand up and touch Russel's smooth surface again. "I have to go now, my dear guardian."


"By the way, you sure like to spout a thread of lies to that child. Be careful not to get caught, okay?"

Before Russel can answer her, Femora disappear in just a blink of an eye. If there was someone who saw her disappearing like that, they will surely think that she is a ghost.

"Tch. She did not even say goodbye to me."

Femora can surely appear and disappear anytime she wants. And she did not even stay longer this time. Letting out a sigh again, Russel was now thinking about what kind of gift Femora was talking about earlier.