Chapter 48

"Russel, when are you going to speak again?"


"If you are still trying to talk with me through telepathy, then stop it. I cannot hear your thoughts nor I cannot share my thoughts to you without opening my mouth."

"...Tch. I knew it. Femora were just playing a trick with me."

Russel mentioned to Gian that the goddess he was always mentioning had visited him yesterday. Russel also said that she gave him a gift. But up until now, Russel does not know what kind of gift Femora had given to her. Russel thought that Femora gave him a telepathy power since he knew that she can always hear him complaining about their problems of having a conversation when they are with other people. So he tried to communicate with Gian without making any sound.

"Forget it. It seems like my goddess was having a tantrum and decided to play a trick on me." Russel said before sighing loudly. "By the way, is it true?"


"The story about Viscountess Beckie?"

"Of course."

Gian revealed this secret to Viscount Cladeu in order to break his trust towards his second wife. Gian wanted to invest in Viscount Cladeu not because he wanted to own their businesses, but because he wanted to remove Madam Beckie's from their life. After doing some investigation and probing from Shannen, Gian discovered that the only thing that Viscountess Beckie was holding in their family was her rights as the legal owner of their businesses. If Gian can succeed in removing Beckie's name on the legal documents, divorcing and banishing her away from this kingdom will become easier.

"Tch, tch, tch. Poor viscount. The woman he married was actually a wolf wearing a sheep's skin." snickered Russel.

Gian did not make any more comments after that. When the night comes, Marquis Frederick and Gian have their dinner as usual. While eating, they are sometimes talking about Gian's shops and their sudden improvement. Gian reported to his father their sudden increase in sales in just one week. The marquis was surprised at first. But when he remembers the reports about Gian's activities from Butler Del, the marquis quickly understood.

He genuinely congratulated Gian for his success. Gian said it was nothing, but the marquis can see how proud Gian was with his success. The next topic they discussed was Gian's upcoming birthday and engagement party.

"I heard you had a sudden encounter with the viscount earlier?" Marquis Frederick asked.

"Yes. He was there to buy an engagement gift for Shannen. Since we're near my shop, I invited the viscount to have tea with me." Gian smoothly said.

"I see. Viscount Cladeu is such a good father to his daughter."

"I agree." Gian said.

"By the way, had you met the young princess of Sildeza Kingdom before?" Marquis Frederick asked.

"I accidentally met her while I was walking in the marketplace. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it seems like the young princess was very fond of you."


The marquis told Gian that he visited the Royal Palace earlier to attend a meeting between the Fresiala Kingdom and the Sildeza Kingdom.

The marquis accidentally bumped with the little princess who was running around the palace. She was energetically playing with her maids at that time. When Marquis Frederick was helping her to regain her balance, the young princess suddenly hugged his legs and called him uncle. The little princess sweetly rubbed her cheeks on his legs while smiling brightly.

When a maid saw what the little princess was doing, she quickly separated the little princess from the marquis and asked for his apology. The maid recognized him so her attitude was polite and full of respect. The marquis said it was nothing. He was about to leave when the little girl ran towards the marquis and asked him where was her papa.

The little girl heard her nanny calling that man as 'Marquis Cres Val'. Princess Cielo recalled that was the same surname as the young man she had met in the marketplace. Thinking that man was related to her 'papa', she quickly pulled the marquis's sleeve and asked for his whereabouts. Princess Cielo suddenly wants to meet him again.

Marquis Frederick was naturally confused. Why did the little princess ask him about her Imperial father's whereabouts? He looked at her nanny to asked what was happening. Her nanny became embarrassed and patiently explained to the little princess the situation using a lot of easy words so she can understand it. When the nanny saw her little princess nodded her head, she once again apologized to Marquis Frederick before she explained what was happening.

According to the nanny, Gian saved the little princess while they were visiting the marketplace before. The nanny also added that maybe the reason why Princess Cielo was calling Gian her papa is because of his eyes. Princess Cielo tends to call any man her 'papa' who has a similar eye color with her. Marquis Frederick did not voice out his opinion about it and only nodded his head to show that he understands before he left the young princess.

After a few hours of important discussion between the two kingdoms, His Majesty officially ended the meeting. The friendly alliance between the two kingdoms will continue in the future and the Sildeza Kingdom will still remain loyal to the Royal faction. Marquis Frederick planned to return back to his mansion after their meeting, but Queen Barinella stopped him.

The Queen wanted to discuss something with him and invited the marquis to have tea with her. Marquis Frederick naturally agreed with her request. He thought that the Queen wanted to discuss something important with him. And indeed, this thought became true.

The Queen requested for the marquis to introduce his second son to her. The information that Gian helped the little princess had already reached her. Queen Barinella wanted to personally send her gratitude towards Gian for saving her daughter's life. And also, Princess Cielo wanted to meet him again.

According to the Queen, the little princess keeps on babbling about the young man she had met in the marketplace. Princess Cielo also keeps asking when she can meet him again. It seems like the little princess became attached to Gian after their short encounter that day.

After considering the situation, the marquis finally made a decision. The marquis told Queen Barinella that he will send an invitation for them so they can attend Gian's birthday party. Queen Barinella was grateful for him and told the marquis that her daughter will surely become happy. After that, he finally left the Royal Palace.

"The little princess really wanted to see you again. That is why I send them an invitation as well."

"I see." Gian said. "That is okay. It is not a problem if we will have a member of the Royal family as one of our guests."

Having the little princess to attend his party is not a problem at all. In fact, it is actually a good opportunity for Gian. He can finally meet and ask Princess Cielo if she can also hear Russel whenever she touches the pen.

After finishing his meal, Gian was wiping his lips with a white napkin when he remembered something.

"Father, I heard a letter from brother came to our mansion earlier." Gian said. "How was the fight going in the Eastern border?"

"There is nothing for you to worry about. Viel and the other knights are doing well."

Based on his father's words, it seems like they are still fighting the rebels in the east. As expected, Viel still cannot return before his seventeenth birthday just like in the past. After telling his father that he still has some things to do in his office, Gian quietly left the dining area. While the maids were busy collecting the plates and utensils on the table, Butler Del stands up beside the marquis.

"Do you want to surprise young master Gian on his birthday?" Butler Del asked.

"It was not my idea. That was all part of Viel's plan. He asked me in the letter that I should not inform Gian that he can attend his birthday party."

According to Viel's letter that arrived in their mansion, they had already killed the rebel's leader and captured the remaining rebels in the Eastern region. It was also mentioned that when they received the letter, the knights were already marching back towards the central capital. Viel estimated it that he will be back exactly on Gian's birthday.

"Young master Viel quickly finished his task this time." Butler Del commented.

"I know. I was also surprised by his decision to finish those rebels in just a short time." Marquis Frederick added. "Who would have thought that brat was capable of finishing his tasks this quick?"

Though it seems like he was complaining, Butler Del still noticed the faint smile on the marquis's lips.

"Make the additional preparation for the upcoming party in three days' time, Butler Del. You should also ask the gardeners tomorrow to clean the rose maze garden at the back of our mansion."

"I will do that, Marquis." Butler Del said before bowing his head.

And just like that, three days had passed and it was now finally the day of the party.