Chapter 93

When General Bishop arrived at the Cres Val mansion, Gian and Russel had already run ten laps on the open field. Unlike yesterday, Viel did not order someone to tie a rope around their waists anymore. But the most surprising was Russel who did not spout any complaints while running. Though he was still sweating a lot and having a hard time breathing, Russel continued running without cursing Viel or the miseries he received today from running under the sun.

After their fifteenth laps, Gian and Russel finally stopped from running. Gian was sitting on the ground while Russel was laying flat on the ground. Both of them are trying to catch their breaths. If an outsider saw these scene, they will think that the two young men were being punished. This is the scenario General Bishop saw when he goes to the open field. When he saw the two princes in that state, he glared at Viel who was leisurely sitting on a chair placed under the shade of a tree.