Chapter 108

The next day, everything was normal as if the ruckus last night did not happen. They ate their breakfast just like usual. Gian became a little bit awkward talking with Marquis Cres Val and Viel at first. But these two ignored it and naturally chatted with Gian and asked about his condition. Aside from an aching body and a small bruise at the side on his lips, everything about him was okay.

The marquis also asked Russel's condition. He has bluish-red bruises on his cheeks and a huge scratch at the side of his lips. Russel was originally planning to skip breakfast, but Butler Del woke him up so he had no other choice but to be separated from his soft and fluffy bed. Russel was also having difficulty on eating his breakfast due to the stinging wounds on his lips. When Gian saw him like that, he felt guilty and initiatively cut the food on his plate into small pieces.