Chapter 120

Princess Charmaine stared at the young man who was holding her hand. Her complaints about him earlier were momentarily forgotten as she stared at the amused smile on his face. With their very close distance, Princess Charmaine just noticed that there was a small dimple on his left cheek every time he smiles. Upon closer look, this made him more handsome. But her train of thoughts was broken in an instant when she heard his next words.

"We meet again, little girl. I see that you are not wearing your maid costume today. Tired of pretending to be a suspicious maid now?"

Princess Charmaine quickly pushed Russel away from her and put an appropriate distance between them. The warm sensation in her hand had quickly disappeared. She secretly balled her hand into a fist as she stands up straight before facing Russel. She saw him watching her actions with an amused smile on his face.

"You knew?" She asked in a small voice.