Chapter 159

When Prince Jonathan arrived at the Royal Palace, he goes straight to his room so he can take a long bath and change his clothes. He already sobered up and no one can see any traces of drunkenness on his face. But when he opened the door, Prince Jonathan was surprised to see his grandfather inside and was waiting for his arrival. Prince Jonathan stopped himself from letting out a sigh and fixed his expression.

"Grandfather, may I know why are you here?" Prince Jonathan asked politely. "We are not supposed to meet today, right?"

Instead of answering his question, Prince Jonathan received a hard slap on his face. His cheek became red in an instant. Fortunately, Duke Ermintel is not wearing his rings today, or else, his cheek will surely receive another cut. Prince Jonathan pursed his lips but he did not say anything. He looked at his grandfather for a second before lowering his head.