Chapter 166

When Gian entered the King's office, he saw that his Imperial aunt was talking with His Majesty. They both turned their heads to look at Gian before asking him to join them. According to their topic, King Nolan sent his spies to watch Prince Jonathan's movements. One of the spies reported to Queen Barinella after Prince Jonathan returned to the Royal Palace.

"According to the reports, Lady Merille had a miscarriage and lost her mind." Queen Barinella reported to her Imperial brother.

King Johannes remained quiet as he listened to Queen Barinella's reports. King Johannes can only sigh for what happened to his ex-wife. He felt a little bit of pity towards that woman. If only she did not covet the worldly possessions her position as a Queen can offer to her, they may have a harmonious and peaceful marriage. Unfortunately, she became blinded and greedy for money and power.

"Do you have any more reports aside from it, Nella?" King Johannes asked.