Chapter 177

When the clock strikes at eight in the evening, Duke Ermintel gathered his troops again. According to their plan, one-third of them will guard around the Royal Palace to make sure that one can go out while they were entering it. The duke also gave his grandson his own troop and told him to find the King and captured him alive. Duke Ermintel wants to keep that damned King alive so he can witness his downfall together with his family and friends.

"Jonathan, I am counting on you." Duke Ermintel said before patting his shoulder. "You should do this for our future."

Instead of answering him, Prince Jonathan suddenly hugged the duke which made him surprise. But still, he put his arm on his back and rubbed it with his hand. His actions were understandable since Jonathan is still young and this will be his first battle.

"You do not have to be nervous, Jonathan. After this, everything is going to be fine." Duke Ermintel reassured his grandson.