Chapter 201

King Johannes just listened to his sons. The King just felt a little pity for Merille. He heard that Merille is a kind and understanding lady before she married him and became a Queen. If only she remained like that and did not become blinded with money and power, Merille might survive the execution.

"Let go me! Johannes, I am still your Queen! Johannes!"

Merille kept on shouting while calling the King's name without showing any respect. That made the people looked less at their former Queen. The knight cannot take her screeching voice anymore. He pulled a long piece of cloth and tied it around Merille's mouth.

The knight dragged Merille away and temporarily put her behind the sinners who will first receive their death sentence on the guillotine. The King as well as the princes peeled their gazes away from the former Queen. Instead, their eyes focused on the last man who will now receive his sentence.