Chapter 207

"Brother Russel!"

Turning his head, Russel saw his baby cousin. Princess Cielo is playing in the gardens with her maids. When the little princess saw his figure, Princess Cielo threw the ball she was holding somewhere and quickly ran towards him. When Russel heard her milky voice, he stopped walking and waited for his baby cousin with open arms.

"Ahh! My baby angel!" Russel said in a delighted voice.

The little princess giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She affectionately rubbed her cheeks on Russel's shoulder like a kitten. That widened Russel's smile more.

"Baby, who is the most handsome cousin you have?" Russel asked while poking the princess's chubby cheeks.

"Brother Russel!" The princess cheerfully said.

"Very good!" Russel praised her. "Because of that, I am giving this candy to you."