Chapter 213

The familiar thing he was holding is a pen. In this world, the people were using a plume and ink to write on their parchment. And in Gian's life, he only knows one pen existing in this world.

"Russel? What happened?! Why did you turn into a pen again?!!" Gian asked. His voice is panicking a little.

Gian waited for a while, but the pen in his hand did not respond to his question.

"Russel? You can hear me, right? Answer me, Russel!" Gian shouted this time.

But the pen in his hand remained silent. Gian tried to shake the pen but Russel never answered him. That made him panicked for real this time.

He does not know what is happening. Why did his brother turn into a pen again? Femora had already fixed his backstory so he can live peacefully again, right? Did the goddess of fate encounter some problem so she has no enough power to keep his brother as a human?