Chapter 235

"Oh? I never thought that listening to the conversation of other people is my sons' weird habit." King Johannes amusingly said while looking at his sons who are still laying flat on the ground.

"...I swear it was Gian's fault this time."

"This is your idea, stupid!"

"My idea is mine, but you are the one who insists on doing it!"

And the two princes started to bicker once again. Letting out a helpless sigh, King Johannes turned his head and saw Lady Shannen is also watching the usual fight of his sons. King Johannes shook his head and lightly kicked his sons on their legs.

"Are you not ashamed to show these unsightly scenes in front of Lady Shannen?" King Johannes asked. "What if other people aside from us will see you two acting like that?"

"Then I will write a public apology while telling them that it was Gian's fault but I am also sharing the blame since we are twins."

"And do you expect them to believe you?!"