Chapter 247

That night, Russel spend his time drinking and having fun with his newfound friends and General Viel in a small room near the barracks. Prince Rana sneaked out of his room so he can celebrate his success in his archery match with Prince Moldren earlier. It was the prince of the Nilseze Kingdom who proposed that duel and Prince Rana just accepted it. But in the end, it was Prince Moldren who cannot hit the target while Prince Rana hit the target in just one shot.

After their match, everyone cheered for Prince Rana's victory. Two servants helped Prince Moldren to bring him back to his room while Prince Rana was surrounded by those knights who wanted to congratulate him. King Lancelot announced his victory to the crowd before asking him for his wish. Prince Rana told the King he wanted to ask about it later and in private.