Extra Story 1: Seven Years Later

"Our dandelions..."

"Hmm? What did you say, princess?" Prince Gianne asked.

"My... My dandelion..." The young princess repeated. 

"Oh. Your dandelions? Here. You can still blow the half of it and make the dandelion seeds float in the air." The older prince said as he returned the dandelion he snatched from her earlier. "See? Sharing is caring."

"You...You stole our dandelions!" Prince Russel shouted at their older cousin.

"Oh? But I returned it, right? Oh yeah, here is your dandelion." Prince Gianne said and gave the stem with several dandelion seeds on it. "There is no need to say thank you."

The twins stare at the dandelion stems on their hands. This is not the scenario they were expecting earlier. They were supposed to blow it together and see the beauty of those white puffy seeds floating in the air. But their older cousin just ruined their plans.