The portal wrecks havoc - 1

Throughout all these years the portal that connected all those nine realms, the portal that could be used to traverse across, had been shielded by the energy of the angels of Álfheimr.

It was not an easy task.

They had to be at their guard at all times. They had to constantly check if the shield was getting eroded at any point. Harnessing such energy and transforming it to block the portal and to keep the realms in different astral planes so that could never intersect with each other in any dimension, was definitely a herculean task.

But Goddess Angelia and her angels worked endlessly every night and day to make it happen.

Every angel that God had created had a special power. Some had the power of the elementals like the fire, air, earth, sound and some had the transformative powers like to bend time, to bend the astral plane, to perceive and play with the mind. So based on the nature of the power the angels had, they had been divided into two categories, the elemental angels and the transformative ones.

Damianos was an elemental angel whereas Balthazaar was a transformative one. The power of the transformative angels was way higher than that of elementals and hence the transformative angels that had been created by God were only a few.

But Goddess Angelia who was the angel supreme had both the powers, elemental and transformative. She, along with a couple of other transformative angels had been harvesting their powers to shield the portal. They had also created an invisible layer of blocking atmosphere that surrounded Vanaheimr, where the body of God rested, waiting for the chosen one to revive him.

The kingdom of Álfheimr was exactly like a palace of fantasy.

The lands and valleys of Álfheimr ware always covered by a silvery vapor that ran as a lifeline for the angels as the vapor contained a coolant that always kept the temperature of Álfheimr under control. The place where Goddess Angelia and her fellow transformative angels harvested their power was equivalent to a massive nuclear reactor where a tremendous amount of energy was harvested every week.

That harvested energy was then ducted to the portal and to each of the realms so as to keep them apart. The duct was also hidden in space and only Angelia and a few of her trusted angels who harvested the energy along with her knew about the exact location of the ducts and the portal.

Angelia was blessed with the tears of Angel Aslan and hence was also known as the phoenix. Her father was the one who had informed God about the treacherous plan of the demigods. So when God had given him the duty to protect the glory of Vanaheimr, he had promised to himself that he would turn every stone possible in the world to bring back the glory of the land where they all belonged.

But when he saw his creator, his own father's resting body slowly calcifying into stone with every passing year, his courage and his determination were shaken. That year when the body of God turned into stone from the waist down, he couldn't see it anymore and decided to leave his body and his legacy to someone.

So he decided to pass on his legacy, his power, and his abilities to Angelia, not because she was his daughter but because she was equally honorable. She was one of the best elemental angels that he had seen and he trusted her more than any of the other transformative angels who existed,

That fateful night when he returned back from Vanaheimr, he went to Angelia and placed his hand on her forehead and transferred all his power into her. The moment before he ceased to exist, Angelia opened her eyes and on her temple fell the tears of her father who had decided to leave.

"Keep my promise. Will you?"

And before she could answer to him, he had vanished into the thin air. And thus an element angel turned into a transformative one.

Since then she had been very faithfully doing the task that was intended to be done by her father, Any huge transformational energy usage came at its own cost. It weakened the angel, desiccating the source of essence from their body.

It was the way God had designed them because with every benefit he had given a pitfall as he believed in the concept of yin and yang. So he had blessed every creation with power but also gave a drawback so that the power was never misused. So it took a week for the angels to regain their power to do anything.

The essence vapor that covered every inch of Álfheimr, helped the angels to heal. This was the very reason why it was difficult for the fallen angels to heal back in the absence of the essence vapor. But that unfortunate night when Balthazaar, one the inheritors of the power of a Transformative angel, decided to end his life by using up all his power, didn't know that the powers of an angel were always meant to be passed down to someone else.

Because energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

So when he thought he would give up on his angelic capacities and use up every ounce of remnant power to send Morpheous and others into the future, he ended up creating an opening in the portal. That massive surge of energy ruptured a part of the portal that connected the Human Realm and the Knowledge Realm.

And thus happened the catastrophe which Angelia had always dreaded, because now a catalyst was in place. Goddess Athena and Lord Lazarus were now able to reach each other through the portal opening.

Out of the seven Demigods created, five had been corrupted with the greed of power and they were Master Nubeous from The Soul Realm, Lord Corinthian from The Metal Realm, Lord Lazarus from The Human Realm, Lord Oberon from The Time Realm and Goddess Athena from The Knowledge Realm.

They had all conspired against their own father in order to attain the ownership of Enneagon, the world of nine realms. But there was one who was the vilest of the five and who eventually had planned to erase the rest of the DemiGods to be the invincible one. He was none other than Lord Lazarus. The ruler of the human realm. Given that he had the capacity to play with the minds of people, it was extremely easy for him to make people do his bidding.

His guide was a locket made of pigeon blooded ruby and a cast iron thread beaded into a rope that held the ruby. Since the capacity to bend anyone's minds was extremely powerful, God had limited the power to be used only a maximum of a hundred times, so that he could use it judiciously.

In his time on earth for all these years he had enjoyed misusing his power to create devastations. World war, nuclear explosions, the great plague were just a few of the things that he had done by tricking the humans to act against each other, to act against mankind.

As the guide had been destroyed by God, he just had the iron thread with him, which he used to wear around his hand. Since the power was limited he was only able to make people show things and instigate them. The power to change their decisions had been lost. The only thing he could do was to mold their thoughts, which itself was enough to make people act weird.