Illaa An Life One ( 1)

The woman cut the call and deleted the call history.

She looked at her self at the mirror she is called Illaa An.

She is a first first young lady of the An Family of Country M. The one of the wealthiest and powerful family of M Country and through the world aristocratic powerful family.

She is a international model, film star, director and the godess of thousands of people around the world. And the owner of her own entertainment company and production house.

Her company name is " Dream " which is the dream of many entertainment industry workers.

She first started with modelling and then debuted in films which are popular and hit . And after that she directed her own film also which are popular and blockbuster hit.

And each movie's she has act or directed are blockbuster hit.

She has all the glory, fame, name and family status one can asked for but is life as easy it looks like.

No, It is definitely not even though she is the first young lady of the Aristocratic An family but she is not her father's wife child. She is a illegitimate child of her father.

Her father had got married twice. His first wife at the time of giving birth to her two child twins she got died.

After that he got depressed and had few flings to vent or satisfy his physical needs.

And her mother is one of his past flings and given birth to her.

Her mother was very disappointed when she get to know that she give birth to a girl. If she had give birth to a son her son could have fight for the An family inheritance. And she given birth to a daughter her daughter couldn't fight for the An company or family inheritance. Because what she wants was the An family property and become misses of An family who is envious by all.

Her mother go to him and tell him that she given birth to a daughter for him and he accepte her mother and her.

But her father said she gotten money when she was with him and he can accept the child but not her. And as for giving birth to the baby she would ger money but she had to leave the child her.

So her mother at first didn't give her to her father that time her mother thought her father will come to her for his child and would accept the child and her but that not happened.

Her father get married to his second wife and her present step mother Sahana Tang.

With whom he had his first son child . Who is now the ' Tang ' family's International Tang Corporation present Heir.

They meet when they are at college. And was a good friend that time.

And got in a relationship when they were a university. They were serious about their relationship.

At the time he had completed his university he brought her home to introduce to his parents. Her father wanted to marry her but her grandparents didn't want them.

Because they thought that she come from a humble family background.

But at that time they didn't know that she is the daughter or granddaughter of the ' Tang ' family.

They broke them up and that time Sahana Tang got to know that she is pregnant.

She didn't go and search Esakal An as she had her self respect and was not someone who vowed her head to none . And she wouldn't lower herself and principles.

She returned to her home and she got to know that she is the ' Tang ' family granddaughter.

Her father was Tang family only son. When he was young and use to be rebellious and got out of the family.

And made his own hospital empire in the M country and through the world of his own.

He is a famous heart and cardiologist surgeon and her mother is a medicine scientist.

And she has her own Bio medicine company through the world. And the daughter of the famous " Hui " family.

And the only heir of her family international company .

Her family wanted her to do something but she didn't want to do that's why she go out do what she wants to do.

When she returned home and and got to know that she is the Tang family only Heiress .

As her father is her grandfather only son and she is his elder daughter though she has two younger brother but one is the Heir of her mother family company and and the other her mother's company.

So she became the Heiress of the Tang family. When they got to know that she pregnant her grandfather was very angry and wanted call the An An family but she said no.

Then her grandfather said the child in her stomach would be the future and next Heir of the His ' Tang ' family and her future child that she would have from her future marriage will be the next heir of her father's empire Heir.

And for this she have got to agree with this condition to secure her child future.