
" Epsha, have some apple to intake some Vitamin C , so that your babies will be healthy. I have devoted a lot of my time and hard work for my future nephews or nieces " Luna Lui gived the peeled apples plate to Epsha and said a bunch of random stuffs and words towards Epsha's swollen stomach with Jiyana Gu .

" Luna and Jiyana why don't you guys give birth to your own child as well ? As you guys love others baby's so much . " said Sandy Su who just arrived from Paris a few days ago just for Epsha's labour stood by the side and joked .

" Sandy , the children of others are more loveable than own . Didn't you hear that ? " said Luna Lui

" Dear sister, don't you love this baby's that you are asking me to give birth ? " " Emmmm... " asked Jiyana Gu.

" You guys stop messing around and poking each other for fun and pulling each other's leg. Epsha have this glass of orange juice and what would you like to have for lunch ? Have it so you have the energy to give birth to the baby's . I will go home and cook tasty food for you " said Epsha's mother Sahana Tang.

Luna Lui looked towards Epsha's mother and said, " Auntie , I have brought along food for her after asking what she wants eat so you can just heat it in the microwave and give it to her if she wants to ? "

' Okay ' replied Sahana Tang.

Sandy's mouth didn't not utter a word for a long time as she looked at Jiyana with anger and upset that she had just said. In the end, she diverts her eyes from Jiyana to Epsha fixed her gaze on Epsha An and asked , " Epsha, have you decided the baby's name yet ? "

Sure enough the moment she mentions the baby's name, Jiyana's attention immediately shifted and Jiyana stopped looking at Sandy and looked towards Epsha with pleased expression.

" Epsha, think carefully about the name of the baby's, do you want your baby to have English name or Chinese name or both ? " asked Luna Lui.

Jiyana Gu said, " If you can't think about their future name then I can help you. Sigh , what a worrisome grudge . "

Jiyana began to nag again. Epsha An, Luna Lui and Sandy Su looked at each and started to laugh happily.

" Epsha An, you heartless woman, you still have the guts laugh at me ? " Realizing that she was starting to get into her old trouble again, Jiyana shouted in anger at Epsha An.

" Alright, alright, haha....." " I won't laugh anymore , haha...." said Epsha.

" Epsha " Jiyana's voice was a bit cold but she didn't know that the more she acted like this , the more this people wanted to laugh.

" You guys stop teasing this poor girl and foucs on the baby's right now " said Epsha's mother Sahana Tang.

" Ouch , it hurts. " said Epsha who was still laughing suddenly covered her stomach with her hands.

Looking at Epsha Jiyana come forward and asked, " What happened to you Epsha ? " Luna, Sandy and her mother anxiously surrounded her.

" I... " feel like " The baby is about to come out " replied Epsha.

Epsha's mother Sahana Tang looked towards the hospital bed and sees that there is some water and said, " I think it looks like her water broke . "

And Jiyana screamed, " Doctor, doctor... come , hurry up and check her up . "

Jiyana's high - pitched voice echoed throughout the hospital VIP floor .

In no time the doctor come and said, " Ma'am, Madam's water is broken and she needs to be taken to the emergency room. "

" How is it possible she still has fifteen days left and giving birth to the baby's prematurely ? " said Epsha's mother Sahana Tang.

" Ma'am when a woman is conceived with twins or more babies premature birth is normal . Many women give birth in seven months of pregnancy to ten months of pregnancy " said the doctor.

Sandy Su calmly dialed the bed side alarm on the bed. Then Epsha was quickly delivered to the emergency room.

Epsha's mother the moment Epsha was taken to the emergency room called at home, her sons and parents her brother's family's to come hospital as Epsha's water broke and the baby's are about to born any moment.