Trump Card

" But this is not right . The one that are suffering are my son and Luna not aunt Jie . She is just too much . Just for a incident that happened two generations ago she is making this generation suffer . " said Epsha's mother Sahana Tang .

" Sahana , this is not only her thinking we were also like her in a way in the past . When you and Esakal want to marry we didn't accept as that time you didn't tell us about the Tang family . As we have our own prospective view of seeing a thing . As at that time we thought you are not up to our family standard . So , now she also have her point of view to look this matter . " said Epsha's grandmother Kelly ke .

" So , we have to talk with aunt Jie and make things clear with her so the misunderstandings get solve . And the children's life time is will not be impacted " says Epsha's second aunt Hirra Han . "

Sandy Su looked at her and asked , " Yes , you are right but how you are going to talk with grandmother Lui when the couple problem is still not solved . "

" What do you mean by this Sandy ? " asked Mirana White.

" Well , they didn't confessed their feelings for each other and Luna is thinking about to do it in elder brother Edison birthday . And as far I understand elder brother Edison when he would hear her confession no words well come out of his mouth at that time and Luna would think it as a form of rejection and she would be heart broken . So , what should we do about it . " asked Sandy Su .

Epsha's first aunt Zie Zane said , " How about this we by using of mental force make Edison confess to Luna before Luna do . And after that we talk with Aunt Jie about their relationship and marriage What you guys say ? "

" Well the Idea is not bad but how we do it ? " asked Epsha's mother Sahana Tang .

" We can have a known , friend or family member of us do act as Luna's suitor . Who is madly in love with her and persistently pursuing her. So , when Elder brother Edison face a rival like this he well be restless and would take some action . And the best action would be confession and commitment . " say Jiyana Gu .

" What you said is right . But you think this gone happened . With a character like Edison and low EQ can he able to understand and do it . And those brother's of him are no less also . Even they are of any kind of help " said Epsha's grandma Hana Hui .

" Well the points grandma Hana Hui has said is right but as Jiyana said we have to mentally and psychologically force him to do it so that he we be forced to do it or instigate him . Or even this doesn't work we have to use our trump card . " tells Mirana White .

With a confused look Epsha's second aunt Hirra Han asked , " Who or what is our trump card ? "

" Epsha . Epsha is our trump card . Our last resort . It is to make a face off with elder brother Edison .It is to show him in his face that every one of us can see though his feelings for Luna . And make him understand that now a rival has come . So , he should confess his feelings to Luna . Whatever the results are or he will be to late and loss Luna to some one else . " says Sandy Su .

" And why do you guys think that Epsha will be able to do it ? " asked Epsha's first aunt Zie Zane .

" What Zane said is right " said Epsha's mother Sahana Tang .

" Aunt you guys don't know or understand . What we are saying . Epsha and the elder brother's have a great bonding . They understand each other's actions , emotions and feelings more than their own . So , if Epsha talks with him directly then the problem well be easily solved . But it is our trump card and the last solution . At first we have to use different ways . And if we had a failure then we would use our trump card . " told Jiyana Gu.

" What if the trump card is a failure also " asked Epsha's second aunt Hirra Han .