What Happened ( 4 ) ?

" Okay , now tell what is Luna can do and what not . Tell all of this to this doctors as they are going to take care of Luna after she gets discharged from the hospital and until she is fit and fine " said Edison Tang to the hospital in charge .

Then he turned towards Lee Lui and said , " You look at this matter and also the investigation . If there is any one's hand in this matter I am going to punish them myself just send them to me and I will make sure they regret why they even born " said Edison Tang in a very chilling manner .

" Okay , as you say and if you excuse me then I will go and inform the family members and after that see Luna . Hey , where are you going ? "

Edison Tang looked at him and said , " To see little Luna " with that he walk away from there .

The end of the past incident .

From Luna's POV from past to the present ,

After I am a little big and have memory I have always been a chubby and cutey girl of my family and loved by them a lot . After I started going to school not all girls like me or wanted to be friend with me and their are very less who wanted as like Epsha , Sandy , Jiyana , Mirana .

And as for boys they used to tease me and call me in many different kinds of names as fatty , fatso and more and never wanted to be friends .

Only Jill Gu , Ehan An Tang and another friend between boys became her friends .

Only her family members and friends understand her and encourage her .

Because she has a family background people could not say anything infront of her and said behind of all the time .

And her self she also got used to it . So , she doesn't mind it that much . She just shows that she doesn't care but her self respect and confidence was getting down because of it but she couldn't share it with any one .

If she tells her family then they will hunt down those children's family and business and as for her friends they will quarrel with them and in gaze in fighting with them .

So , she thought she is never going to tell them about it and handle it her self .

But suddenly that incident happened and changed her whole life .

She thought at he will be like others who doesn't like her and feel disgusted by her . But he is not . He is different from others and changed her life with the present of his in her life .

He told her that she is beautiful and beautiful in her own way . And an beauty is beautiful in the eyes of the beholder and in his eyes she is beautiful .

Then he told her never to feel inferior then others and be confident and confidence in her self and self love and respect for herself .

This boost her love for herself , confidence and self respect .

After that incident she was admitted to the hospital for one week had to take care of her self and rest a lot .

She was asked to bed rest for one month . And at that time she couldn't walk a lot or run . Can't stress or panic and many more .

She was restricted from going to school and other home tutors, lessons and learning classes at home also .

At that time after what happened elder brother Edison Tang take care of her and encouraged her a lot . And make her feel special which she never felt from any other opposition gender .

He would come and sing her songs , tell her stories or walk with her in the garden . This was the special moments she spent with him .

After she recovered elder brother Edison doesn't spend that much time with her as after that he started working at Tang corporation as he could learn and later he could take over the company and become the Heir of the Tang Corporation .

As he is crowned as the Heir of Tang Corporation before he was born . As his mother was unmarried and pregnant with him and his great grandparents and grandparents wanted to secure his and aunt Sahana's life by doing this .

But it comes with a lots of difficulty , struggles , challenges and responsibilities . He has to full fill and he did it .