Sea of Nothingness!(REWORKED)

The world.

What is the world?

Is it the life you usually live in?

Is it the planet you live in?

Is it the universe or galaxy that you or someone else live in?

No, it's not... The world is something bigger than all of this.

World... This word had many different meanings.

But the question here is what is the world.

Some worlds might be so big, where there is more than one galaxy inside it, and even some can't be measured by how many cosmos it has. So every galaxy/cosmos/planet, inside it might be called a world.

While others are much deeper than simply the size of it, where they have an infinite number of realities which is normally known as multiverse! What different reality means? It might mean that there is another world where the same you exist, doing the same what you do right now, and lived the same life as a mirror from you. But it's called a different reality because it's not a rule that everything should be the same. Because of the fact that you might not be what you are in that different reality. Your mirror might be rich while you are poor, might be king while you are a slave, might be a man while you are a woman... Might be dead while you're alive. Is not something that can be explained with words...

Is that so great? In fact... It's not...

Because there is more world where deep or big can't describe them.

Some Worlds actually are made by something more.

What if you heard that there is a world where it has a collection of more then one world?

A big collection of a single universe, multiverse, metaverse, dimension, and realm.

All that was said is actually in one World...

And there is an unknown number of such a world...

Then the problem comes... Since one world can have such a big collection of worlds. Then how or why other worlds exist.

And is these so-called worlds is another reality of another world? Are all these worlds actually one world which collected them together? Are my or your world is one of them?

Such a question... No one knows.

In fact, the answer is much simpler than you think.

Imagine the world as a ball.

This ball will contain everything you know and you don't know in your world.

No matter how big the world is. No matter how many worlds inside one world there are. This ball will contain it.

Then imaging a basket.

This basket is so big which can contain a number greater than an infinity of balls inside it.

[Is there something outside this basket? Well... the author didn't think of this till now...]

Then let's talk about the ball's cover, which is the barrier of the world.

Since everything is contained inside a ball, then there should be a cover or barrier in the world.

This so-called barrier shouldn't be opened usually. After all, it actually exists to contain the world and also protects it from what behind.

What behind the world barrier? Another world?

That's not quite right. In fact, there is nothing.

And when saying nothing, It doesn't mean the normal emptiness because there is nothing in the place.

But Nothingness.

Will that's confusing... What this should mean?

It's a space... or not, it's a blank sea where Nothingness is a rule inside it.

No life... No death...No reality... No time... No space... only nothing...

Nothing is allowed to stay here. Even the basic rules and elements that made every world out there...

And that's why it called nothing...

But This doesn't mean there's no action inside this Nothingness sea.

In every second there is a countless number of worlds forming while many other worlds disappearing.

But disappearing doesn't mean it doesn't exist anymore. It may or may not exist there somewhere in this nothingness.

If someone was able to take a look at a current place in this eternal limitless sea.

He will find a very weird phenomenon inside it.


From somewhere that can't be seen, a very long with no end blue channel appeared.

How did this blue channel appear since its a rule that nothing should exist?

In fact, since it's a rule, then there should be another rule that allows things to appear here.

If someone reached a current level and saw this channel he will understand what is happening here.

The answer is very simple... This channel is actually made by countless complex rules which allow it to exist.

The nothingness rule is Invincible, but not absolute. More perfect rules might allow things to change.

Back to the blue channel.

Inside the channel, there is six figures can be seen inside.

A little pink-haired Girl looking at the White-haired man beside her with her mouth wide open. Apparently she saw something shocking.

A white-haired man looking at the beautiful red-haired woman who kissed him with wide eyes.

Beside the pinked haired little girl, A blonde elven man looked at this scene with an awkward smile.

While from the left side of the white-haired man. Another red-haired woman looked at them with dark eyes and her hair already raised from anger, looks like the cat who's tail was stepped on. and beside her, a black-haired woman with two cute little angel wings looked at this scene with dead fish eyes, while her mouth smiled a weird smile.

This is a group of people who look so perfectly good beside each other. And the good feeling for each other is so obvious.

They are Gray and his partner who just left one piece world!

In fact, Gray and the others never felt the long journey they took every time they cross because the time in this channel is frozen completely. Protecting them form everything inside.

The moment they entered this channel, it's also the moment the came out for them.

Gray always thought that his awakened ability is good. But he never realized that it's more powerful and complex then he thought.

This tunnel was actually made by massive powerful rules protecting him inside form the nothingness.

As long as this channel exists, Gray and his partners should return to the real world... Or to be more right, his own world safely.

And the chances to encounter any accident in the sea of nothingness is so low almost non-existent.

But... Even though it's so low... This doesn't mean there won't be any...

Somewhere at the very end of the channel, the channel end was actually connected with something that can't be seen or felt, as if it's a space wall. This wall should be the barrier of his own world.

But the calm space around the end of the channel, a few space shock suddenly appeared.

these shocks made waves around it, which affected the channel directly.

This unexpected shock might be a result of a world clash or might be some big world that came to its end and affected the place here.

The reason is unknown inside the mess.

These waves shook the channel and made many cracks around it, even though the channel barrier protects them from what outside. But everything has a limit.

The energy is so huge and violent, which is filled with nothingness rules. The blue channel cant handles this unaffectedly.

From the cracks, a weird smoke started spreading inside the channel's very end blocking the space behind it, which should be the entrance of the original world.

These smokes were so weird. Even the fragments of the barrier around were consumed by them directly.

But that barrier also won't easily be destroyed either, after a few seconds, it started repairing itself.

Gray and the other didn't know what kind of dangers they are about to face. After all, everything here is frozen.

It may be a few minutes or maybe a few years. Finally Gray and his partners were about to reach the end of the channel, but this end might be really ending for them with the existence of the nothingness smoke there.

But at this moment, something changed in Gray who was in the vertex.

The rules inside should be frozen which means none of them should be able to do anything.

But weirdly Gray who was frozen at this moment plinked his eyes.

As his eyes plinked it wasn't the same eyes anymore, but pitch-black eyes. Look so weird and hollowed, as if they were two black holes that could suck everything.

Gray faced Baccarat face who's kissing him and floated back.

Then he simply ignored everyone and looked at the nothingness smoke that they will hit soon.

Gray raised his hand and another dark smoke emerged from his palm.

With his action, many clouds of smoke at the very end of the channel moved fast to Gray and started merging with his body.

This is a very weird phenomenon. This dark smoke is the very source of nothingness, the moment they touch Gray, he should have disappeared to nothingness, but they actually merged with Gray as if nothing happened.

While sucking the nothingness, Gray's mouth cracked a leer.

If anyone of Gray's partners saw this sneer on Gray's face, they will realize something.

This is not Gray!

While Gray is sucking the smoke around him. The crown on Gray's head which was so calm for a long time shined a very dim ominous light.

Which shows another fact. The crown is not under the rules of nothingness either!

Feeling the crown on his head, Gray's face changed and actually caught the crown with both hands and wanted to remove it with the smoke of nothingness that is already can be generated from his body.

But will removing the crown be easy?

The crown became more and more violent with Gray's action and actually started absorbing the smoke from Gray's body. The one he generated, and what inside him.

Feeling the nothingness actually being stripped from inside him, Gray tried to resist even more. But nothing worked against this tyrant crown.

Slowly Gray's struggling body started shrinking.

This process was very fast, and the last sip of nothingness smoke inside Gray was absorbed completely in a few seconds.

But his body shrinking so much... Or can be said, his body changed from a normal adult body to that of a seven-year-old child.

Gray's black eyes twitched a little as if it's trying to struggle, but couldn't do anything, and slowly returned to the silver pure eyes...

With the end of all of this, Gray refroze again and didn't move anymore, the only difference is that there was a distance between everyone, but stayed inside the channel that already fixed itself.

But even though everyone inside the channel, the nothingness wasn't completely removed, and everyone will hit it soon.

But this is where a more weird phenomenon appeared in this nothingness again.

Around the channel a few more shocks appeared, these shocks were bigger than the last one and even made some cracks in the void in the nothingness.

The shocks like the one before made a few more waves that destroyed and many more cracks around this channel end this time.

In this situation. Where even the Gods can't help, there is only one sure end...

Being eaten by the nothingness and disappear forever.

But will this be the end for them?


The waves not only hit the channel but also hit each other. Which bushed the smoke in their way.

And it happened that most of the smoke in front of Gray companion was pushed away.

Baccarat's ocean of luck, that she gave them before finally performed its job. And did what even God himself can't do!

As said before. Baccarat luck ability is really weird. The way her luck works after using it is Incomprehensible as if it was planned by the world itself. But what happened here shows it's not related to the world.

And those shock reasons most likely be world clash or something more violent. Baccarat luck actually made such an accident that even affected a few worlds to save them!

When she uses luck usually, many accidents will happen to help her. And this rule even applied in this nothingness!

Perona and Legolas was the first to exit the channel and enter the world, Then Mary and Taureil and finally Baccarat, which left Gray to the last since he's the slowest because of what happened just now.

The crown kept protecting Gray from the smoke around.

But he soon reached the barrier and was about the exit, with this the crown also stopped its action. And finally, Gray who became a little child touched the end of the channel.
