Exterior Block

After reaching her room, Lina was fuming.

'How dare that bag of silicone try to push me!! She must be grateful I din't pull out those hair extensions of hers.'

Jumping onto her bed, she tried to think of how to deal with them before they pollute her living space.

Back in her room, far away from the main building of Yang manor. Lucille Rong felt dizzy looking at her daughter pacing around the room.

"Will you stop moving around so much!" She yelled, at which her daughter Mandy Rong pouted and looked at her as if she was just bullied.

'Now I have to coax her even though I'm also angry.'

Lucille then patted the seat next to her on the couch and silently asked Mandy to sit down.

"Mom, who do you think that bitch was?" Mandy inquired.

"I don't know, darling, but looking at how arrogantly she behaved I'm sure that Patrick was the one who must have brought her home." She analysed.

"And he let her stay in the main building. This shows that he treats her very well. Her status may not be simple. Watch out for her later and don't mess up my plans like what you did today!" Lucille continued.

Mandy knew that she had messed up her mother's plans but she just couldn't bear watching someone else act like she owned the place.

'This is my house and everything in it is rightfully mine!' The more she thought about what happened the more annoyed she got.

"We've been here for two months and dad has not yet allowed us to go to the upper floors. Even though he gave us these beautiful rooms in the Exterior block, he is still keeping us at a distance. Why is he still so cold to me?" Looking around at the luxurious room, Mandy frowned.

The rooms might seem luxurious to Mandy, as she had lived her entire life in a small apartment.

But for someone with noble birth and riches like the Yangs, this was just an ordinary room.

Having been in Patrick's room once, Lucille understood the true meaning of luxury and this was definitely not it.

This Exterior block was used to house the guests whom the Yangs did not want to see often. The guests who were not important enough to stay in the main block of the manor.

The 'real' guest rooms were on the second floor in the main block of the manor.

But Lucille did not reveal this to her anxious daughter.

"We've finally reunited after all these years, yet he hasn't taken the time to get to know me. When I try to talk to him he says he's busy then walks out and he doesn't come back home on most nights. Why must I be treated this way?"

Mandy Rong felt aggrieved looking at her situation.

After living in poverty abroad, her mother had finally told her about her origins. That she was the sole heiress to the Yang Group.

Overjoyed at this surprise. How could Mandy let go of this chance for a better life?

She had often imagined her reunion with her father. It would be touching with a few tears being shed.

But reality hit her hard, as the only tears being shed were her's and her mother's.

She had insisted on moving back to the country and immediately got in touch with her father who outright denied her existence in front of everyone.

She clenched her jaw when she thought of the day she went to meet her father for the very first time. The humiliation of being escorted out of the Yang Group building by the rude security guards and her mother's tears. She was very angry at her father's behaviour.

Having left with no other choice, she contacted the media to help her bring this news to the public. Happy at having found such a hot gossip about the Yang family, they were eager to help her out.

They published a sad article of how Patrick Yang had fathered a child with his Ex-Secretary. Now that the child was big and wanted to meet her father, he was denying their existence.

Angered at this sad sob story, the public started pressuring Patrick to accept her and her mother.

When she met her father for the second time, all she saw was contempt in his eyes.

'Maybe he's angry that I caused damage to his reputation and his company. I would be angry too if this happened to me. I'm sure he'll forgive me for doing this soon.'

Is what Mandy thought at that time.

The scandal escalated, with Patrick Yang's continuous and ardent denial of parenting a bastard child before he even got married.

After the company's stocks started dropping, a couple of investors insisted on a paternity test whose result came out positive.

The look of shock on Patrick's face, stung her heart.

Though hurt by his constant denial of their relationship, she forgave him, as this really was a big and shocking revelation for him. Mandy was happy with the results she got by manipulating the media to work in her favour.

But finally after the paternity test, left with no other choice he accepted her.

He brought them to Yang Manor and asked them to stay in the Exterior block.

They've been staying here for two months now and these were the best days of her life.

She got up late, ate delicious food and received a weekly allowance of several hundreds of thousands. She was content with her new life.

'Even if dad doesn't care much about me, it's fine as long as I have this credit card.'

Was what she thought at that time, trying to console herself.

But her mother had reminded her that she needed to get into the Yang group and start working if she wanted to be the heir of the Yang family.

Only this way they could stand proudly beside their father. She agreed with what her mother said and started thinking of ways to enter Yang Group.

Waking up from her thoughts suddenly, as if she remembered something, she looked at her mother.

"Mom, are you okay? " Mandy asked as she looked at her mother with sad eyes.

"Huh? What's wrong with me?" Lucille was confused at the sudden question.

"I mean, dad brought home another woman, that too someone so young and beautiful. How can you be okay with this? I'm going to ask dad to send her away."

Mandy felt distressed on Lucille's behalf.

Understanding what Mandy was talking about, Lucille quickly put on a sad smile.

"I'm fine sweetheart. We've been away for so many years. How could he be single all these years? I know that he won't love me because I left him before. I know my place in his heart may be very low now. I'm really fine."

Sniveling her nose and turning aside to wipe her tears, Lucille tried to reassure her daughter.

Looking at her mom cry, Mandy's face twisted in anger.

'That bitch dared to make my mother cry! I'll make sure that dad kicks her out when he comes back home tonight.'

Thinking of what she would do later, Mandy had an evil smile.

Suddenly her phone rang and looking at the caller, Mandy answered the call in a hurry.

"Hey girl!.. Yeah?.. Uh-uh? Right now?... Ok I'll see you in 30 minutes. Bye. Muah!"

Listening to Mandy talking on the phone, Lucille had an idea of who the other person might be.

"Mom, Jenny wants to go on a long drive and wants me to accompany her. She wants to test drive the new car her dad bought her. She's so lucky, isn't she? Her dad loves her so much! If only dad gave me half the attention and love that Jenny's dad gives her!"

Saying so, Mandy had a sad, mocking smile.

'Jeannette Liang's father may not be as rich as my father but at least he loves her enough to make up for it.'

Lucille saw her daughter's smile and it felt like someone had clenched her heart tightly.

She then walked out of the room to let Mandy get dressed.

Standing outside the closed door, she clenched her fists.

'Hopefully you'll understand that I'm doing all this for your future.'

Then hiding away all the emotions swirling around in her eyes, Lucille walked back to her room.