A Small Company

After Anthony Shen closed the door as he left, Lina turned around wearily and looked at Stuart Bai who was just standing in the same place and staring at her. 

"I hope you weren't offended." Lina scratched her neck and smiled awkwardly. 

"Oh and why exactly would I be offended?" Stuart said with a calm smile and walked towards her. With every step he took, Lina moved a step backwards. 

The calm smile on his face now changed to a creepy smile as he stalked towards her. 

"Director Bai, I did not know that daddy would react that way. I swear I did not badmouth you in front of my parents." She crossed her heart and swore. 

'I just told them that you did not like me. That's not bad mouthing.' She avoided his intense gaze. 

He stood right in front of her and slowly raised his hand. 

'Is he going to hit me?' Lina was prepared to defend herself in case he harmed her, but he suddenly held onto her shoulders and shook her violently. 

"Why did you not tell me that you are that Demon's daughter!!?" He said while shaking her back and forth. 

'Thank God I did not slam dunk him to the floor just now!' She slowly retracted her foot that was about to trip him and removed his hands that were holding onto her shoulders. All the shaking was making Lina dizzy for the second time today.

"What Demon? That's my daddy that you are talking about!" She glared at him and he raised his hands in surrender.

"Fine. Whatever! But why did you not tell me about this earlier?" He said in an exasperated voice.

Lina frowned and looked at him in a grave way.

"Why would it matter whether you knew that I was Simon Yang's daughter or not? Is my value only limited to my family name?" She stared daggers at him and this time it was Stuart who took a couple of steps back.

'Ok! Now I know for sure that she is that Demon King's daughter. Look at that fierce glare she's shooting at me!' Stuart was impressed seeing Lina like this.

The words out of her mouth caused Stuart to shake his head urgently.

"Noo.. That's not what I meant. Obviously you are more than qualified to work here. But if I had just known that you were his daughter then.." He couldn't complete his sentence because Lina cut him off.

"Then what, Director Bai? What would you have done?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at him right in the eyes.

"I wouldn't have tried to mess with you, in fact I would have sympathized with you!" He shouted out and Lina froze at what he just said.

'Huh? This is a new script. Usually people would say that they did not wish to offend daddy in any way.' She tilted her head and waited for him to explain himself.

"Well you see, your father can be considered as my senior. Part of my training as an intern was under his tutelage, my skill and my knowledge are a result of his hell's training." He remembered his youth and shed unseen tears for all the late night shifts that Simon had made him pull.

'He's one of the main reasons why I never found a girl for myself! Now look at me, I am an old bachelor.' Stuart gritted his teeth and looked away.

"I'm sure that he must have put you through the same hellish training. That is why I feel bad for you. Such a small girl had to go through so much!" He looked at her like she was a pitiful little creature.

"It's no wonder that you could answer all my questions with ease in your interview." He then cheered her up and patted her on her shoulder.

"First of all, that wasn't an interview. LY hired me long before our first meeting and the second thing, daddy never gave me any training." Lina said with a deadpan face.

"He just asked me to do what I felt like. So I dabbled in everything that caught my eye." She carelessly shrugged her shoulders and Stuart frowned.

"Your dad never trained you to take over his company?" He asked and received a nod from her.

'That's big brother Wind's headache. Why would I bother with that? I have my baby Obsidia to think about!' Lina thought of how her father trained her brother day and night.

'She is that good without any training from her father? I wonder how much better she might become if I start training her.' He remembered telling Wade that he could have taken Lina as his protege.

Now all this was making his decision to take Lina as his student more firm.

"So no hard feelings?" Lina asked with her hand stretched to shake it in peace and he gladly accepted.

"No hard feelings. We still have a lot to do, so get back to work." He rubbed her head and walked outside the room.

Lina gathered all her things and picked up her purse and slowly came out.

As soon as she came out, she saw Anthony and Leon waiting there for her.

"Haahh? You look fine! Boss said that you might need a shoulder to cry on, looking at how fierce Director Bai was when boss left you there." Leon Jiu waved the tissue box that Anthony had asked him to prepare in case she needed it.

Anthony hit Leon on the back of his head and glared at him.

"I thought that Director might have yelled at you." Anthony spoke in a soft and innocent voice, a complete opposite of what you would expect from a guy of his huge stature.

"Thanks, Anthony! But we just had a heart to heart. We decided to end our short lived enmity and work together." She chuckled and they walked towards their offices.

"Is it because of your dad?" Leon, the big mouth asked and was once again hit by his boss.

"Yes and no. Yes because he knows my dad and no because..., well you've seen how I handled Stuart's questions that day, right? Do I still need to explain myself?" She wiggled her eyebrows and smiled.

She oozed confidence as she dusted off the non existent dirt on her shoulder.

The two men paused at her statement and then laughed heartily looking at her actions.

"But Lina? Do you mind if I ask you something?" Anthony Shen whispered as they reached his office.

Lina and Leon both huddled close to him and waited for him to ask what was on his mind. Seeing them, Anthony also mimicked them and came close.

"What exactly does your dad do? I don't recall hearing about any Simon Yang in this city." This question was on his mind ever since he saw Stuart Bai's bizarre reaction to Lina's dad.

"That's because we shifted abroad long ago. He owns a small company there." Lina vaguely explained.

Anthony Shen's definition of a small company was obviously different from Lina's definition of a small company.

Leon knew that Lina's vague answer would cause his boss to think that she was from a normal family, but he knew better. 

The chauffeur, the chef, the clothes and purses all indicated to her being from a rich family and Leon's detective senses were tingling now more than ever.

'There's only one big family with the surname Yang but they only have one illegitimate daughter who caused a stir in the media recently. I don't think Lina belongs to the main family, maybe a branch family then?' Leon speculated and saw Lina wave them goodbye and enter her office.

He felt a tap on his shoulders and saw Anthony looking at him inquisitively.

"What are you thinking about? Your brows are all scrunched up." He pulled his brows together to show Leon how he looked.

"Just thinking of what Lina's identity might be." He said as he opened the door for his boss and they walked in.

"Don't think too much about it. She'll tell us when she is ready." Anthony looked at him and smiled.

Leon was stunned hearing this. He looked at Anthony who started preparing the list of patrons that Wade had asked for.

"So you knew that she is not telling us her real identity?" He asked with his eyes wide open.

"Of course. I'm not just a pretty face, Asst Jiu." Anthony said and Leon nodded his head while smiling.

After their little discussion, the two men got back to working seriously.

'It doesn't matter who Lina is, as long as she does her work properly and doesn't harm the company.' Anthony thought and gave Leon instructions on what needs to be done.

Anthony pulled up the company database to see the list of all the highest paid jewelry that Obsidia ever sold. He then asked Asst Leon Jiu to get him all the details of the customers who loyally bought their pieces and to sort it in a neat and orderly way.

The two men got busy with the work at their hands and forgot about Lina and her identity. For now.