CEO of Luo Industries

Wayne had brought Lina to his room because Stacy was napping in her room.

Just like Wade, Wayne too had his own room in Yang Manor. This room looked like a typical man's room.

It had a gaming console connected to a massive flat-screen TV, model planes and cars displayed on the shelves and a minibar.

Lina plopped herself on the soft and cushiony bean bags and looked at Wayne.

"Big bro, that was savage!" Lina fangirled when they were inside his room.

"That was nothing for me. Let's see if she acts all high and mighty again." Wayne puffed his chest out and happily accepted her praises.

"Well, at least not when you are still around. But there's something that is bothering me about her attitude." Lina hunched over and rested her hands on her knees.

"You mean how she failed to use the meager brain cells that she has?" Wayne quipped and she let out a chuckle.

"True but I was talking about how she tried so hard to create an image of herself as the weak and innocent woman who was bullied by everyone and now she just threw it away. Why?" She frowned and tried to find a reason for her bizarre behavior.

She would've called Lucille a 'fake white lotus' but then she would also have to explain what it meant. So she just skipped it.

"Hmmm… Maybe she thought that this matter wouldn't spread because most of the servants leave the mansion on Sundays." This might be the most plausible explanation he could think of at the moment.

Lina hesitantly nodded but she was not satisfied with this reason.

'There must be something that she is planning. But what is it? If only I had a way to spy on her.' She rubbed her chin and tried to think of a way to reach her goal.

"Wade will be back tonight and he's directly going to the Luo Residence. Why don't you come along with me? We can welcome him and you can take a look at your presents as well." Wayne suggested.

"No can do. I have a dinner party with my new colleagues. But I can come by on Monday." She rescheduled and Wayne agreed.

"So that woman Ayano? You said that she was your colleague. Will she be there as well?" He questioned and she just raised her brows and looked at him inquisitively.

"Yes… Why do you ask?" She laughed while thinking of something.

"Do you like her as well?" She shot him a look and he frantically shook his head.

"No no… Stacy can have her all to herself. I just wanted to know what kind of person she is. After all, it's a big brother's duty to thoroughly investigate the person who wants to date my sisters." He patted his chest and declared in a serious manner.

"Sure sure…" Lina just chuckled looking at his actions.

"But I wasn't talking about Stacy." Lina continued and saw how Wayne's expressions showed a look of horror.

"No way! You too like Ayano? Nana, it's not nice for sisters to fight over the same person. Plus I think Stacy has already won that fight considering how they were stuck together before we left last night." Wayne restrained his alarmed expression and lectured her.

He looked at her with pity and tenderness overflowing from his eyes as he gently patted her back, trying to console her.

'What is this guy thinking!?' Lina pushed his hand away and glared at him.

"I am not into women in that way. I was talking about Wade." Lina yelled and saw how Wayne tilted his head sideways.

"Wade? What has all this got to do with him?" Wayne was very confused as to why Lina had brought up his dorky twin.

"That's because our sweet brother Wade had hit on Aya the first time he met her. Poor guy, she shot him down so fast, it was both pitiful and hilarious to witness." Lina thought about that day and laughed out.

"Doesn't that idiot like older women? Why did he hit on Ayano?" Wayne knew all of his brother's preferences in women and hence what Lina just said was astonishing for him.

"She is older than him. Ayano's 32 years old this year." Lina loved seeing people's faces change when they know what Aya's real age was.

Wayne's reaction was similar to most people who realized that Aya was already in her thirties when she looked just like a young woman in her twenties.

"She doesn't look a day older than 25 right?" Lina asked and saw Wayne nod fervently with his mouth wide open.

"Wow! So she rejected him without any remorse?" Wayne gloated.

'This guy has the worst luck when it comes to girls.' He shook his head and thought of introducing some nice women to his brother.

"Totally! Aya likes women. Now unless he was willing to get certain parts of him snipped, I doubt she would even give him a second glance." Lina shrugged her shoulders and Wayne laughed once again.

'I can't wait to rub it in his face when I meet him tonight!' He smirked and rubbed his palms as if he was scheming something.

"And about her dating Stacy? I don't know yet because this is the first time Stacy has shown her interest in a woman." Lina thought out loud and Wayne stopped his evil plans and listened to what she said.

"I know. That's what has got me worried. You know how she is, she dumps people as soon as she gets bored." He shook his head in disapproval.

'Look who's talking!? She learned that from you!' Lina inwardly accused him of leading Stacy astray and scowled at him.

Feeling Lina's dirty look directed towards him, Wayne guiltily turned his eyes away.

"One is my friend and the other my sister, I do not want to see either of them getting hurt. I'll have to talk to Stacy after she wakes up." She decided and Wayne too agreed with her plan.


The exterior block of Yang Manor.

Loud crashing noises could be heard emanating from Lucille's room.

"One Wade wasn't enough, now even this Wayne has come here!" She smashed the flower vase onto the floor and watched as the broken pieces scattered everywhere.

"He has even more power than Wade. My work will get harder with him around." Her worries were justified, after all, Wayne was the CEO of the Luo Industries.

He had been handed over that position by the former CEO, his uncle when he showed great promise and talent as the Director of Finance.

Both Wade and Wayne started out as interns in the Finance department and while Wayne worked his way up, rumors were that Wade had absconded from his job.

But now she knew that it was just a ploy to avoid attention, he was the mysterious VP of Obsidia.

She had already investigated everything about Wade when she first met him and therefore she knew about his elder twin brother as well.

"Why can't the Luo's just leave us Yangs alone!" She tore the soft pillow apart and all its stuffing flew out.

She spat the feathers that went into her mouth and threw the empty pillow aside.

"My plan was about to succeed. I was this close to forcing that old hag to quit her job but that Wayne just had to interfere and hinder all my plans!" She fell onto the couch and kicked her feet up.

She looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was lunchtime but she was in no mood to go and get insulted once again.

"This Mandy has disappeared since yesterday! She did not even bother informing me about her whereabouts!" She picked up her phone and dialed her daughter's number.

The call was answered after a very long wait and as soon as it got connected, Lucille moved the phone away from her ear.

She could hear the music loud enough to tear her eardrums being played in the background.

"Mum? Why have you called?" She heard Mandy yell over the music.

"Where the hell are you? You've been missing since yesterday! Get back home this instant!" She barked out orders and waited for her response.

"Ahh… I can't do that Mum. I'm not in the city right now. I'll be back before dinner, don't wait up for me. Bye!" Mandy yelled and hung up before Lucille could berate her.

"This brat has grown wings now that she has a few rich friends! If she doesn't worry about the snakes in this house, she will soon lose all the luxury and wealth that she has gotten used to." Lucille spoke while looking at the black screen on her phone.