6 Minutes!


Lina lazily stretched her arms as she opened her eyes. 

'Did I fall asleep right here?' She looked around and saw that she was still in the same place that she was last night.

She used the controls to brighten the lights in the room so that she could get up.

She then turned to her side when she felt something move. 

'What a baby!' She saw Wayne snuggling a throw pillow as he drooled on the couch.

She then turned to the other side to wake Wade up, so that they might laugh at Wayne. 

But she chuckled when she saw him.

He too was in the same pose as his brother with just the difference of no saliva dripping from his mouth.

'No wonder people say that twins have the same habits!' She carefully took her phone out and clicked his picture and then clicked Wayne's pictures.

She extricated herself from between them and slowly stepped away to take a panorama shot of them together on the couch.

Satisfied with the end results, she quickly sent it to the family chat group.