'My Date'

"My kiddo is looking great!" Uncle Pat pulled Wayne away from Lina and then he complimented her.

In response, she sweetly smiled at him and the others there.

"I could say the same for you two gentlemen!" She teased Uncle Pat and Uncle Ace when she observed their matching styles and ties.

Pat proudly nodded while Ace glared daggers at him.

"But Nana, look at me! We also match with each other." Wayne pouted and pointed at his tie.

She then realized that Wade and Wayne both had the same colored tie as her dress. A deep sapphire blue.

"But people might just assume that President Wayne Luo and the masked man are a secret couple because your suits coordinate each other more than they coordinate with me." She poked fun at him.

Wade and Wayne's suits were the exact same model, Wade wore the black version whereas Wayne wore the white one.

'Twincest!' She giggled when she imagined this.