I've Got Your Back

Before Benji could say anything else, Reuben looked at them with an awkward smile.

"Um… It was nice to meet you." He shook Benji's hand and then turned towards Lina.

"I have to go. I'll see you later." Without waiting for her reply, he walked away in a haste.

"Wait! What's the hurry?" She called out to him but he did not turn back.

'What was that all about?' Lina glanced at Benji who shook his head because he too did not know why Reuben had reacted that way.

"Forget about him. You still haven't told me what this fake boyfriend-girlfriend stuff is all about." Benji raised his brows at Lina.

"Benji… Uh.." She looked around to try and stall for time until she could find a valid explanation.

"Ah yes! We've been standing here for so long that my legs hurt. Let's go upstairs!" She complained and shook her legs.

Benji knew that she was just lying to divert his attention so he played along and led her towards the main door.