
"Hurry up, Benji!" Lina yelled as she pushed the elevator's button.

"" His reply was muffled because there was a piece of toast in his mouth and two bags in each of his hands.

'Do I know how to squeeze out work for my employees, or what?' She chuckled and stood with her hands on her hips.

Her hands were absolutely free right now but she did not take a single step forward to carry one of the bags which could allow him to eat peacefully.

"That's what you get for delaying your arrival. Hmph!" She scoffed at him and turned back to face the elevator.

"What's taking this shitty elevator so long!?" She kicked the door in frustration.

Why was Lina so pissed off this early in the morning? The answer was simple. She had started her period while in the shower.

Her plans of wearing white today had gone down the drain along with her happy mood.

Benji made her a filling breakfast to calm the monster within that would unleash if she was left unchecked.