Senior Huo?

After dancing with Wade, Lina tried to look for her other brother and found him dancing with Stacy only a few feet away from them.

When Wayne had rushed inside to stop Reuben, he found him being dragged away by Mrs. Ming.

Knowing that she would definitely not let him wreck the pleasant atmosphere here, Wayne caught hold of Stacy and danced close to Lina to make sure that Reuben doesn't get close to her.

He was having so much fun with Stacy that he forgot what his initial mission was.

When Lina noticed that her cousins were enjoying themselves she did not want to disturb them so she made her way towards her uncles.

'I feel like I'm some exhibit at the museum with so many people watching my every step.' She smiled at a random stranger who was looking at her and then walked away.

Wade walked beside her but before they could reach her uncle, Lina's eyes fell on someone she instantly recognized.