She Is Just Sick

While Moira Huo was facing the people standing before her, trying to oppose her words spoken in Lina's defense, that very same woman was sipping coffee in a leisurely manner.

It had been quite a few minutes since the entire charade had ended and now, Lina with the rest of her crew were sitting inside Wade's office.

"Thank you." The cheerful woman thanked the older secretary who had come over with a plate filled with cream centered cookies.

Wade shook his head while watching his little sister as she greedily stole a few cookies before Leon could claim them for himself.

Inside the office, Lina sat between Leon and Benji on one couch while Steph sat with his cheeks puffed up on the single-seater next to the big assistant.

On the other side sat Wade with his assistant Kirk and finally Anthony Shen who kept a close eye on his cheeky assistant who was misbehaving in the presence of the VP.