I Was Wrong...

Wayne was both annoyed and impressed after what he had just heard from Moira.

"Mr. Huo did a great job!" He praised and received a nod from the happy mother.

Moira giggled as she was also proud of what her son had said which caused her defense to gain weight.

'So this was what these two women were planning? To ruin Nana's reputation in the eyes of these women?' He narrowed his eyes yet continued to focus his sights on the empty roads.

He was annoyed that they had almost succeeded in their plans if it were not for the efforts of Mrs. Huo and her son.

Impressed that Lina had gotten close to this man who always kept women at a distance from him.

"And after the phone call?" Wayne inquired as he was curious about what had taken place after this event.

Of course, Moira did not wish to leave the young man hanging and went back to narrating the entire incident.
