Our First Picture

'Now she remembers me!' Reuben rolled his eyes but did not forget to catch the glimpse of the picture they had just taken.

"Our first-ever picture together, Ruby! Shall I send you a copy?" She declared and then asked while waving her phone at him.

Lina's brows furrowed together when she saw him scoff and then shake his head in refusal.

"You don't want the first picture we've ever taken together?" She inquired as an incredulous look took root on her face.

She had been excited to have an image with both of them in it but it seemed that she was the only one as Reuben showed no interest in it.

When the man noticed her drooping shoulders and the pout on her lips, he shook his head as he was sure that his Kitten was thinking too much once again.

However, this time it was his fault for making her think so.

"This is not the first picture of the two of us." He explained so as to not create any misunderstanding between them.