A Valid Reason

When Lina walked out of the VP's office many minutes later, she found the Douglas brothers sitting together and having a proper conversation.

Her stiff expressions dissipated a little as she walked towards them.

Benji was facing the door so he was the first to notice her presence and rose from his feet with Kirk following after him next.

"Done?" He inquired, not mentioning anything else as the secretaries were still around.

Lina nodded in reply then smiled at Kirk before announcing that they would be leaving now.

"Or do you want to stay here a little longer?" She chuckled, alternating her gaze between the brothers.

Kirk smiled while Benji rolled his eyes at her ridiculous question.

They were still at work and the only reason they could have a casual chat was that their Bosses were busy at the moment.

Now that they had achieved their purpose of arriving here, there was no more reason for them to stick around.