She will never let anyone criticize her daughter.

Li Xue came to meet the principal. She was furious on the inside, but her anger didn't show on the surface. Since she was under the school premises, she couldn't behave outrageously. And being outrageous wasn't in her character.

She always believed that there were no problems in the world that couldn't be solved with a calm composure.

With her thoughts in her mind, she knocked at the principal's office door, opening it slightly, she asked in a polite tone, "Mam, may I come in?"

The principal looked up from the computer and then nodded, "Yes. You are?"

"Mam, I am Li Wei's mother. Her class teacher has asked me to meet you. She said there was something you needed to discuss with me."

The principal remembered the topic from before and nodded "Yes, I remember. Please have a seat."

Li Xue proceeded to have a seat across from the principal, on the other side of the desk. "I have received some complaints from the parents of other students from her class. Even before, her teacher had said she was quite a stubborn child. So, I needed to discuss these things with you. As you know, we are a reputed school, and the students who come here should be of the level to match its reputation." 

The principal said her words without thinking about how mean they sounded. She didn't know that before coming to the office, Li Xue had already heard the story of what had happened. So, still continuing on her previous plans, the principal pushed all the blame on Li Wei.

Li Xue looked at the principal and felt her heart raging in fury. She knows how her daughter was, but this person was deliberately making it look like she was someone incompetent for this school.

"Sorry Mam, but are you implying that my daughter doesn't fit the reputation of your prestigious school?" she asked in a poised and very calm tone, but one can feel the fierceness she was holding in her heart by coming in contact with her eyes.

"It is nothing like that. We have always considered every child to be Christ's child. How can we call them incompetent?" the principal said, with her head held high. There wasn't even the tiniest amount of guilt in her eyes. She was here pushing unreasonable blames on a little child, and still had the guts to keep her head high.

This world has truly lost its morals!

"You have such high moral thoughts, but isn't it going against your morals, blaming a child for something she hasn't done. Do you think that your words correspond with your actions?" Li Xue said without thinking much about it.

She no longer cared about the consequences. Since her daughter did nothing wrong, there was no way she was going to let anyone criticize her.

"Are you saying that we are blaming your child for something she has not done? Don't you know how naughty she is? Last week, her class teacher came with a complaint about her." the principal said, folding her arms around her chest in arrogance.

Li Xue nearly scoffed, looking at the principal's arrogant attitude. "I never said my child isn't naughty. In fact, I will say that she is too much naughty for her age. But her being incompetent is something I will never accept. I know her the best. In this case, there is no student of her age category in your prestigious school that could surpass her."

She knew her daughter best, and has seen how her brain functions. She was really intelligent for her age. Li Xue didn't know whether it was a quality gifted by the Heaven's or if it had come from her genes, but she knew one thing was certain. If her daughter didn't deserve to study in this school because of her incompetencies, then no one else deserves it.

"Maybe her class teacher would have come to you complaining about her, but it would be because of her habit of asking questions. And if I have understood things in the right way, then I am sure that parents send their children to school to learn new things. According to that, my daughter hasn't done anything wrong. If your teachers can't even handle them, then I doubt if this school is really suited for my daughter?" Her words were quite straightforward and were directly hitting the bullseye.

"You…you can't blame us like that", the principal tried to argue, but she herself knew that every word uttered by Li Xue was right. Children are sent to school to learn new things and to also satiate their curious brains. It was the duty of the teachers and the school to help them out.

"Let me finish my words first, Mam. I have not finished yet." Li Xue said, silencing the principal in the midst of her words. The air in the room made her look domineering, but her voice and tone never once left its softness and politeness. Maybe it was her righteous standing that was making her look so domineering.

"About the incident today, I don't know why you are blaming Li Wei, when she is clearly not at fault. I know her, and also know what I have taught her. She will never say anything bad; I have made her learn that. But at the same time, I have also taught her to never accept the wrong thing", she said, while looking into the principal's eyes. She was very confident in her daughter.

"This is not right, Ms. Li Xue. You can't question our authorities like this. You are offending us by saying that we are deliberately cornering your daughter, who is not at fault, in this incident. We have a prestigious reputation that has been built for ages, you can't tarnish it like that." The principal got agitated when she felt that all her plans had gone the wrong way.

"Reputation? I don't think I can ever put my hands on that. Earlier you said it right, my daughter isn't fit to be here. But it's not because of her incompetence but because I don't want her to learn the things you are teaching her. She deserves something much better than this", saying this, she stood up.

"Huh! There is no school better than us in this city. Do you think you will find any school better than us? This is a small city, and hardly has any good schools. Can you really find one that is better than us here?" The principal asked in a mocking tone. She was too confident and could never accept that a parent would dare to kick the opportunity of having their child study in their school.