Five simple mantras to follow.

Chen Yujian has filled his expression with smug, while Li Xue felt an urge to smack his head hard. This man was really making her lose the thin string of control she was holding inside. Her eyes pierced into his, warning him dangerously to not test her limits. And that warning was clearly delivered to the person it was aimed for.

Witnessing her gaze, Chen Yujian felt a slight shiver down his spine. Though the change was slight but it made the man realize that this time he has met a woman who wasn't like those he has met in the past. She might look like a simple Head Dessert Chef, yet the aura she carries with herself was not so plain and simple.

But who cared? If she wants to kill him, he will wait to see her killing moves. How perfect would that be? He muttered playfully under his breath and shrugged off all the other thoughts he had in his head.