Won't want my WeiWei sick and my wife troubled.

The thumping of the heartbeats grew louder and louder as his steps grew closer to her. She stifled her legs to move more backwards but then she realized that there is no escape left for her to run off.

Blinking her eyes full of anxiousness and with a sheepish smile over her lips, she said awkwardly not getting any confidence with her words, "Mr Beelzebub, you know my ears are all perfect. I can even hear the murmur of ants. So, if you say your words from a distance I can hear and answer it well. You don't need to waste so much energy by just walking here and there. It can tire you out"

"Tire me out? My strength … Have you underestimated it? Do you really know what can tire me?" his words seemed suggestive but the seriousness he was holding on his face was not giving any hints of debauchee in his aura.