Mischievous witch in the cover of an innocent fairy.

"Daddy Angel, can I eat my ice cream tomorrow? I am feeling sleepy and if I eat them now, then I will not be able to enjoy its taste", the little girl said, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand lightly. She was really tired with all her busy schedule for the day. It might not be too evident her keen eyes have always been looking at her mother to see all her needs and wishes.

Looking after someone with such care and love was not an easy task for a child. It can make people tired even if that was only work assigned to them.

Feng Shufen looked at the little one's drowsy expression, nodding his head he simply said, "Okay, you can go to your room and sleep. I will inform your mother when she comes back". The little girl smiled and nodded. Then jumping down back on the floor, she gestured to the man to bend a little towards her.