Hope things get back well soon!!

After getting her daughter all ready for the school, Li Xue took her towards the exit but suddenly got halted hearing her question. "Mama, Daddy Angel said that he will accompany us today. Are we going to call him?"

As Li Wei asked this question her head raised up to look at her mother, waiting to get her answer. To say Li Xue was still mad from last night will not be wrong but she was more befuddled than angry. She was confused about the feelings she was going through inside.

Last day has changed many things inside her. Not only heart restraints have weakened but also she has become weak in front of her heart feelings. She was touched by his words and efforts but was also upset with his ignorance. She wanted to confront him to ask the reason behind his such nonchalant behaviour but then she stops herself thinking that her questions might make the complexities go worse.