Won't he think her to be a desperate woman.

Li Xue was having a tough time. With the pleasure she was receiving … she was feeling that it might be her end. The more his breaths struck her, the more she felt herself shivering. The more he touched her, the more she felt herself melting under his touch.

Taking the pleasurable, yet unbearable torture she writhed under his sensual touches. She wanted to push him away at once, but her body felt too weak to do anything such. Her chest was already heaving a little up and down due to the erratic pattern of her breaths. Her fingers were already clutching him hard like her dear life was just dependent on him.

One moment more of this torture and she felt like she would be lost in the dark abyss from where she won't have any return. Fearing to reach those consequences, she finally made her decision. A decision that has always been a tempting one for her. Tempted her for happiness, every woman's heart desires for.