Try believing that pigs can fly.

"Fine, I will stay for a little more time here but first, let me go and find someone so that I can submit this report," She said as her attention went to look back on the file, which was now sitting on the desk along with her.

The man raised his brows slightly at the file as he asked, "File? What is this about?" He was too happy that there existed some work that gave him the opportunity to finally conquer the heart of the woman for the best.

"Yep, this!" Li Xue confirmed showing the file up on the desk as she explained further. "It's a third-quarter report file from Sweet Delicacy. I need to submit this to Ms Lin today itself. So I will go and do that as fast as I can".

"So you really came here for some work-related stuff?" he said as he squinted his eyes slightly at her and then moved to take his seat on his chair. "I thought you were here to spy on me".