Only Handome Angel can be my Daddy Angel.

Dressed in his usual black checkered slim-fit suit, the man was looking as charming as ever. His suit looked very ordinary but the way it was fitting him perfectly and the shiny platinum cufflinks on his sleeves was making it known that the dress was anywhere but near simple and ordinary.

"WeiWei!" The man called out and like the mice to the tune of Pied Piper, the little girl sprinted her way up to the man without glancing back at the people who were dumbstruck to the revelation.

Su Fai was about to bring back the preference of the little girl and stop the man calling her with that endearment but halted when saw the little girl already climbing up in his arms without showing any restrictions. The similar grey eyes of the pair were giving an unknown hint to him, something that he was not ready to accept even in his dreams