Mama, hold me! I might fall down.

Next morning when Li Xue woke up, she was all fresh. A smile reaching her amber eyes were beaming on her face, making it shine more in blissful sunlight.

Everyone has got some past which they fear to share even with themselves. But once you find the person with whom you can share the worst of your life, then one should consider themselves lucky enough because not everyone can have that privilege in their life.

Turning her head to the side, she wanted to take a look at her daughter's pretty beautiful face but to her surprise, her sweetie was nowhere near her. She would have panicked but then she realized that last night she had not been alone in her house.

A chuckle left her lips when she recalled how cunningly Mr Beelzebub has made her agree for him sleeping at her place. Not like she would have refused since he had already made his space long ago in one of the rooms in the apartment.