My head is not an easy price.

"Doctor, how is her ankle? It looks a little severe", Li Xue asked worriedly as her eyes went to look at the doctor for one second and then again moved back to look at Yi Lan's foot.

"…" Even after waiting for quite some time, no reply came as the doctor was too stunned to process anything in his head. His eyes were fixed at the beauty which only thought to be existing in fantasy tales.

When Li Xue did not get the reply, she turned again to ask but before she could repeat her words, Feng Yi Lan complained grudgingly, "Li Xue, don't ask him. He is bad. He provoked me to break my other ankle too, saying, it will be a profit for him since it will bring him more money. He is a sadist, believe me"

As she said, she sobbed dramatically. Looking more like a bullied kid, crying in front of her mother. And Li Xue too was acting no less than a mother, who loves to spoil her kid. Taking her friend's words seriously, she turned to send glares at the man.