Will again become a pure flower in his eyes.

Wen Sying has always known that Zhen Wenting was a man whose mind and thoughts could be molded. She just has to shed pitiful tears and let him know how much she cherishes his presence in her life and the rest of the things will come easy.

It was not just with Wenting. Any man who loves to see women weak, fragile and under his protection & mercy will be the same. They will be weak in front of their pity and pathetic side. They feel their men's ego getting boosted thinking that their presence was so capable to bring a woman to such a sympathetic state.

Supporting a woman at their weak times becomes an achievement for them. And Wen Sying knew all this very well because she has known that Wenting has always been like that. She just has to hoick his ego, presenting herself nothing without him and he, himself will come undone.