Out of fashion pictures.

As Qi Shuai sauntered inside, he kept his eyes at the woman. "Dr Collin, is everything fine? Did you check her already?" He asked, not knowing what exactly happened that she had pulled her brows into a frown.

He wanted to walk up to her and ease the creases she has formed on her forehead but knew that it would further add fuel to her irritation.

The young doctor nodded at his words and then turning back at the woman said, "Yes, everything seems fine but there are some things that should be taken care strictly to prevent the damage from happening".

He paused and then looked back at the man. "That's why I was waiting for you to come back. Knowing Ms Feng's antics for a few years now, I can't entrust such serious things to her. And also knowing you I am sure that you won't be leaving her alone until she gets back to the best of her health. So it would only be better if I let you know about all the details"