Catastrophe in the future.

Li Xue did not know what was happening outside. She could hear some low booming arguments but did not care to go out to check on the situation. It was not necessary for everyone to jump into the hassle to ease the argument and then end up making it more worse than before.

But how can she forget that in her team, there is also a chirping bird who loves to sing the latest songs from all around the world?

When Li Xue was trying her best to ignore the voices from outside, Mia came running in to give her all the details. To become the exclusive messenger of the masses sent to the saviour.

Did she really think that Li Xue was some messenger that could amend all the issues happening around the world? The woman's lips curled unconsciously when something like this popped into the brain. Mia would be really naïve to think something like this, wouldn't she?