Fueling the fire intensifies the flames.

"Sharing royom with me?" Li Xue asked dumbfoundedly. All this time she was thinking that the man was sacrificing his comfort for her. That was not something absurd in love. But how did she not know that her lover is not an angel to make sacrifices in love rather a Devil, who knows well to pull the right strings and traps at the right time and place.

The man looked at her quietly with serenity on his face and then nodded. "Yes, we are sharing the room. The space and facilities of this room will suffice to both of us comfort". He said, moving his eyes to look around the room.

Li Xue almost wanted to facepalm herself in his words. This man's nonchalance was really dangerous and could easily make anyone show their worst, making cracks on the surface of their composure.