Even tarnished, she was still a better option.

Li Xue did not lie when she said that she could not forget the things that happened in the past. Say it her weakness or her stubbornness but she was all sure that never in her life she would be able to forget those days where she almost lost all the meaning of her existence. Lost her everything!

How could she forget that night when for the first time she had let her guards down, considering that she was among the people she could trust … the people on whom she could rely on. But never knew that she would end up doing the worst mistake of her life?

That day she came to understand that all her life the people she thought she could rely on have never been any reliable to her. That they would only be the ones to leave her the very moment she would fall from the sky.

Li Xue wanted to mock herself for her stupidity. How could she live half of her life in a lie? A lie that ruined her the worst.