Someone there to swindle us on your name.

Though her mother has always taught her to not intervene in the elder's talk, Little Li Wei could not help much in the given scenario. Hearing her Uncle Cutie speak of the evil spirit harming her sweet Aunt Yi Lan, she could not prevent herself from getting scared.

Running with all speed she had, she went to wrap herself around her Aunt with an attempt to save her. But due to her little girl – height, however, she tried she could not reach her neck. Only finding her dangling legs in her region of access, she hugged it hard for her dear heart remembering what her Aunt had said to her before.

Li Wei's touches are soft and would never hurt her Aunt!

"Aunt Yi Lan, WeiWei will never let you fall for the evil spirit's trick. I will save you from the bad because I love you and will never want to lose my precious Aunt". The little girl spoke up, blinking her little grey eyes in worry.