When happy, she will make the whole world go crazy with the same.

"Mama, you are back! You know Principal Ma'am said that once you sign on these papers, then she will help me prepare for competing with my seniors". Little Li Wei jumped her way to her Mama when she saw her coming back home.

Li Xue's lips curled seeing her daughter in a super – excited form, jumping to her way. "Aye … you did not go for an afternoon nap? Why are you still sitting here and not taking rest?" She asked as her eyes smilingly looked up at the old Sister Margaret to get the answers.

Sister Margaret was about to put her reply forward but before she could the little girl said on her own. "Because WeiWei was waiting for her Mama to return home. I have to tell you about an important notice". Li Wei said as she pulled her arms wide for her mother to take her up in her arms.